If your kid is a doughnut lover, and you’ve been wanting to cook something for him (or her) that would be delicious and easy, a Jam Doughnut is the perfect choice. The ultimate treat, Jam Doughnuts taste best when made at home and eaten, still slightly warm, with jam oozing out of the centre. Nestlé MILKMAID brings you a simple Jam Doughnut recipe. This recipe will teach you how to make Jam Doughnuts quickly and easily. These Jam Doughnuts are a surprising blend of a fruity explosion, golden crust and perfect sweetness. Learn how to make Jam Doughnuts the Nestlé MILKMAID way. Once you master the art of making these doughnuts filled with sugary goodness, you could personalise them with your own condiments too. This Jam Doughnut recipe is also easy enough for kids to try it out in the kitchen under your supervision.